

Not only does Clement Harrold have a fruit named after him, he is also a Brit and a homeschool graduate. Aged 19, Clement is currently studying at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. He has particular interests in philosophy, theology, and politics, and he is discerning a possible vocation to the priesthood.

David Willey is a 19 year old who is currently enjoying his freshman year at Franciscan University. His interests range over a wide variety of subjects, but focus upon English literature, language, and philosophy. David’s plan is to graduate from college with a double-major in English and Classics, after which he is discerning going on to pursue a graduate degree either in Romantic Literature or Canon Law.

The writer Mortimer J. Adler once famously wrote that the “main purpose in reading… is to gain increased understanding.” He separated knowledge from understanding, and he placed understanding in the higher position; because any two people can have facts, even the same facts, and come to wildly contradictory conclusions. Often this is caused by a surplus of useless facts that distract us, the way dust in a storm blocks our eyes and clogs our throat. But understanding – understanding is being in position of the right facts and assuredly following them to the truth.

We strongly support Mr. Adler in his statement that we read primarily to increase our understanding. Hoping that the word “reading” applies to lowly blogs as well as lofty books, we have resolved to aim at nothing less than increasing your understanding. Of course, it is an arrogant aim, and this at first worried both of us, but when we discovered that we are in fact both extremely arrogant, we relaxed again. So, disregarding the pointed words of the cynical Mark Twain, “Better to remain silent and be taken for a fool than to open one’s mouth and be proved one,” we started this blog. Limiting ourselves only to the two dimensions of time and space, we are writing on any subject that takes our fancy, with the aim of increasing your understanding and ours. That said…

Hi! And oh, welcome to this blog. If you’re this page it probably means two things – first, that the name was cool enough to make you want to check it out; and second, that what we have to say has interested you long enough for you to keep reading. We will never presume upon the privilege of your most admirable interest, nor patronize your singularly magnificent intelligence. Neither will we ever assume you to be so simple as to be fooled by mere flattery. Now then, without further ado… Happy reading!


Saint Augustine of Hippo, pray for us!